27 July 2009

Weekend Re-cap!

Pulled Pork Sandwiches...thank you Costco.
House Hunting...put offer on a house.
Productive Early Saturday.
Haircut...tried new "thinning" of hair technique...a little too short...still diggin' it.
Nap in the heat of the sun.
Baby shower...sweating in dress...afraid to stand up and reveal the sweat...relieved cotton concealed my perspiration.
Furniture shopping...Taco Bell...The Office old school.
Sleep in.
Laying by the lake. Bobbing in the lake. Hanging out with "the girls" and "T." Allie's Tristan :)
Applebees salad and Public Enemies with Kelly and Friends.
A quick stop for a choco taco!

We hear back today if our offer was accepted!!!


Stefanie said...

AHHH! So excited you put an offer on a house! I can't wait to hear...

Sounds like you've had a great weekend! We need to get together soon!

christy said...

Fun! I am so excited to hear. I want to see pictures. :)

Pulled pork from Costco? I want to know more... I love that.

Our growing family said...

Can't wait to hear! I'll be praying for peace for you either way! =)
love ya!

Kari said...

Good luck, and prayers being sent your way! Glen and I just put on offer on a house, and heard back today that it wasn't accepted as they already accepted someone else's. Its frustrating, and a hassle, but it'll be worth it when you get your house!