Life is good, we are tired, but it truly is a blessing to be able to care and love on our little Georgiana! We had a very full weekend, which resulted in a very chill last few days.
Kelly enjoyed celebrating his first Father's Day, and as you can see he is quite smitten over his little daughter:
Taye: These things are a lot of work to take care of.
Tiffany: What things?
Taye: The babies.
He also recently told my Grandma that "these things come with a lot of rules."
While I was attempting to feed Georgie under the Hooter Hider, which felt much more like a baby sauna than anything else, Taye saw her little feet sticking out and asked with a bit of concern in his voice... "When are you going to let her out of there?"
Taye is also a pro at soothing babies. Baby G was starting to cry when I put her in her carseat, Taye quickly came to her rescue. He said/sang "Georgiana" and then gently rocked her seat. I was quite impressed, he could tell, and then gave me instructions... "first you say her name, then you rock her." I started to rock her and asked "like this?" and he said... "first you have to say her name." I did and she was settled. Love it.
She performed her Senior solo to the following song:
Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus,
Or in awe of you be still?
Will I stand in your presence,
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing Halelluja,
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine when that day comes
And I find myself standing in the Son
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
And I couldn't agree more!
It makes me want to cry (again) thinking about the fact that I had to miss her graduation (it was the Saturday after my Wednesday c-section), but I will never forget her performance. It was a blessing to watch.
It makes me want to cry (again) thinking about the fact that I had to miss her graduation (it was the Saturday after my Wednesday c-section), but I will never forget her performance. It was a blessing to watch.
1 comment:
she's so beautiful! I love that you used the green bench for the background :) I miss you and miss baby girl!
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