(first off, what have I done to my template/layout??? total accident and I do not have time to fix it right now... cest la vie! on to the real post)
Last week Kelly, Georgiana, and I combated our cabin fever by venturing out for an overnight trip. I had to laugh that one night equalled a full car load. We probably looked like the Beverly Hill Billies rolling into the Westin, stroller loaded with a sleeping wedge, boppy, Baby G, and a million other little necessary items.
Georgie loved her first night in a hotel, she slept like a champ (over 6 hours solid!), and I think I only checked on her for a total of 3 of those. So, we all enjoyed the rest!
Don't be fooled though, although her evening ended well with the 6 hours of sleep, it started out a bit rocky. I was feeling bad for our neighbors, so I thought hmm... why not try the shower for some white noise. Although not the greenest approach to soothing, she loved it! So, as you can see, we camped out in the bathroom for a bit:
Morning hair:
Her first restaurant! We intentionally went to a louder one, the Cheesecake Factory. Right after this picture was taken she went fast to sleep and slept the whole time!
Just hanging out in the booth (as you may guess, it was a bit chilly in the restaurant):
The next morning we went to Georgiana's first movie! The movie was at 10:00 am, the lights were only dimmed, the volume was not as loud, and the theatre was filled with 20 plus Moms, babies, boppies, and hooter hiders. It was awesome, and stress free! Georgiana slept for most of it, woke up for a little snack, and slept for the rest of it. My friend Robin told me about Mommy/Baby friendly movies at the Lincoln Square Cinemas.
If anyone is ever up for a Thursday morning movie, let me know! I am thinking about contacting some theatres closer to me to see if they would be willing to start something like this... I'll let you know if that works out :)
After the movie we went to Georgiana's second restaurant (another louder one) Red Robin. And again, she rested:
Oh, and while we were out and about we decided to buy a new car:
Ha ha, if only :) I guess will leave rolling around in those wheels to Bruce Wayne.
After such a fun family outing, Kelly and I gained a little confidence. I am sure some would label it craziness. Regardless, we decided rather last minute to add a few more firsts to the list, including Georgie's first plane ride!!!
That's right, last Saturday we headed out to Colorado to attend Kelly's cousin's wedding. 2 weeks ago I would have never thought this was possible. But, it is amazing what a few extra hours of sleep and a few outings under the belt will do!
23 hours a day the girl loves to eat, but come time for take off she was not having it. This NEVER happens, thankfully Kelly was next to me and took off her socks and started playing with her feet so she wouldn't fall asleep and would keep sucking! On the way down we used her pacifier, she was probably quite annoyed with me wiggling it in her mouth for 30 minutes, but her ears were safe and all was well! Oh, and as you can see, she is now a fan of the Bjorn, woo hoo!
Georgiana's first wedding in beautiful Boulder, CO:
First reception:
Kelly and his cousin Mikki, aka the beautiful bride!
Georgiana meeting more family, Kelly's cousin Betsi:
Although Kelly and I think Georgiana is absolutely perfect, I will be real and let you in on a few little behind the scenes details. We didn't dress her in her outfit until we arrived at the wedding . Good thing too because she had a major blow out and had to be totally stripped down in the car (making us almost late for the ceremony), then she got super hungry. So, she and I watched part of the ceremony from practically a birds eye view, and then escaped to the air conditioned car to nurse. Upon arriving at the reception it went a bit like this... Visit for a few, total diaper blow out, nurse, seriously another blow out (this is of course the only day she has ever had 3 blow outs! Watch, tomorrow she will have 4), and then rejoin the reception.
And, after all that we would happily do it again. Little Miss G is quite the trooper, Kelly has labeled her his Rock Star!
This is adorable and so exciting for you guys, I bet!
So fun! Glad you liked the theater- isn't it awesome?! you guys are way ahead of us- an airplane?! Amazing. =) So glad to see you're enjoying these special moments with G- I knew you would! Thinking of you as Kelly heads back to work soon! xo
sounds like a lot of fun times! glad to hear she is doing so well. I love that little Rock Star :)
I love that you guys are so adventurous! Yay!! Some of my friends keep telling me I'll have to slow down once the baby comes, but I have always told em' I'll just bring my baby along for the ride:)
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