Hello fellow children of the 80's and beyond! One of my favorite and most frequently used baby item is a
kiddopotamus swaddle wrap. Recently when looking at little Georgiana all swaddled and cozy, I was reminded of an old school toy...

A glow worm!
This morning I was flying solo and in desperate need of a shower, so I rolled my little glow worm into the bathroom. This was my view from the shower:

Whoever thought to put wheels on pack and plays is a genius. She slept so soundly and probably really enjoyed the sound of the shower, and being able to look out and see her sleeping so sweetly meant that I didn't rush in and out. Please feel free to laugh, I have to laugh at how 'first time mom esque' I am. But, I just embrace it and enjoy the fact that I can care for little miss G without much distraction.

We relocated downstairs and made the living/dining room base camp for the day. It seemed to be the coolest part of the house, and since summer decided to finally show up in WA we hung out here for most of the day.
One thing I have been struggling with is feeling guilty for laying Georgiana down. I know it sounds silly, but I honestly have to remind myself it is okay, and actually good for both of us, and for the cleanliness of our house! I am looking forward to finding out her stats at her one month appointment. I am hoping she weighs enough and is long enough to go in her Bjorn front carrier, that way I can still get stuff done but she can join me :)

Georgiana's first 4th of July!
Her little onesie says "Mommy's little Firecracker," but when looking at the pictures I noticed that most of the time her pants were a little Steve Erkel esque (poor girl), so you can't quite see what it says.

For the fourth we headed down to my sister's house. Kelly and some of the other guys braved the cold lake water and went surfing behind the wave runner. We watched an array of fireworks and Taye took smore orders. I laughed when we left, I didn't even make it outside! I was quite content inside with these three:

The 'triplets' were three little wiggle worms!
The girls' faces below crack me up, I'll just say they are in awe of each other...


Georgiana loves attention from Grandma!

Kelly with Taye & Ryder. Taye said "I'll be the pillow!"

And then later he showed us some karate/break dancing moves.

Watch out So You Think You Can Dance...

He absolutely loves getting his picture taken. After his performance he wanted to review the pics, he was quite pleased with his work :)
I hope you had a great 4th, I am off to go enjoy the company of my little glow worm. I am always amazed at how fast the day goes by!
love these... especially the ones of your grandma and all THREE babies. :) theres something so beautiful about an experienced mothers confidence... (especially when compared this single girl's lack thereof)...
"um, are you sure its okay to move her? :) all the way upstairs, are you sure?" hahahahah.
The pic of the baby in the bathroom cracks me up- I do the same thing each morning and honestly thought of taking a pic of "my view" this morning! ha! I wheel Logan in in his bassinet and let him slumber while I shower! haha. And I'm right there with you feeling guilty putting him down...the other night he was sleepy and i put him in a bouncy chair and Jas came in and said "What are you doing? Just put him to bed..." and i said "But I feel bad that his whole life right now is just eating, peeing and sleeping...what if he wants to hang out with us?" Jas assured me he does not :) haha...Glad you are doing so well with everything!!
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