And Bowing...
Well, earlier this week I received a phone call from my agent. She let me know that I had a callback for a National Chevy Commercial. We don't see too many commercials of that scale up in these parts, so I was quite excited. Then, came the challenge of orchestrating the care of my most precious Georgiana Lee. Grandma was leading a Bible Study, Auntie Shell was on a business trip, Aunt Tiffany has twins and Taye and only one set of arms, and of course Daddy was in Rifle/Machine Gun instructor school. Hmm... what to do... The only thing left was to call my dear friend Erin and hope that she was free. Well, miracle of all miracles, she was free and happily agreed to meet Miss Georgie and I outside of the casting office. While I auditioned, G & E headed up the Pike Place Market and stopped into The Crumpet Shop. Apparently Mr. David Beckham frequents the shop whenever he is in town, sometimes with Posh and the kids. Although they didn't see any stars that day, they had a smashing time. My time in the casting office went well. While I waited my turn I visited a bit with some of the staff I hadn't seen for about a year, and I tried to not be too obvious as I couldn't help but overhear what one of the very busy producers was arranging, on what sounded like very important phone calls. Although, I tend to think just about anything anyone with a British accent says is brilliant! Yes, feel free to laugh. So, she could have been ordering take out and I would have thought it was amazing and of the utmost importance.
Finally it was my turn, I slated my name, smiled, and pretended to drive a car to the best of my ability. Then, without a thought in my head, I bowed. Yep, I bowed, like I had just stepped out for a curtain call after one of Shakespeare's finest. I don't think it was so awkward that it was a make it or break it type of moment, but still, a bow, really!?! At least it helped with the title of this post. And, confirmed that I am so very much missing the stage. Don't get me wrong, I will never turn my nose up to a commercial or decent print ad, but theatre is what I LOVE. So, down the road I have hopes and plans of returning to the stage. For now, I will do 30 minute auditions, hopefully 1-2 day shoots, and then get to spend the rest of my time eating at Pegasus Pizza, walking along Alki, and giggling with G & friends. Well, perhaps I will not get to do such fun things every day, but you get the idea. Thanks again Erin!
Oh, and I didn't book the commercial. Cest la vie! But, here is a plug for Georgiana, please continue to vote for her in the Gerber Contest, thanks so much! Just click HERE.
love you.
I am glad Erin was free but add me to the list of friends that would love to kick it with Georgiana :) Especially if you are in Seattle - after all that is my stomping ground at the moment. Blessings to you and yours!
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