I come to you blog world because my brain is tired and I fear I am slowly becoming someone who cooks the same 5 or so meals on an unofficial rotating schedule. To change things up, I have been looking to the above cook book. So far, we have thoroughly enjoyed some chicken enchiladas with a cheesy white sauce and almonds, yep almonds. I'm quite sure it is as far from authentic Mexican cuisine as an enchilada can get, but still quite tasty. Chili, I more or less used the recipe as a guide and took some risks of my own. And, a corn chowder that I have no desire to make again. I froze the rest of it, Kelly's excited to chow down on it again, me not so much. I'm thinking I should have froze it in lunch size portions for him...
Anyway, does anyone have any recipes or links or ideas? I've seen on a few friend of friend blogs that people post a week of dinner menu ideas, anyone want to jump on board the recipe train. Like next Monday the 15th could be MENU MONDAY!! We could each post a list of a week of menu ideas (it can be your real dinner menu for the week, a dream menu like if I had all the time in the world this is what I would make menu, or combo), anyone up for it?
Hearty, healthy, easy, decadent, gourmet, real butter or low fat. Veggies or Beef, I am excited to see just what's cookin' in your kitchen.
PS - Thank you so much for all of the Gerber votes for Miss Georgiana Lee. She appreciates each and every one! Please click HERE if you would like to vote, each person can vote once per day for the rest of this month. Our slogan is, someone has to win!
One more note, I was inspired to write this post because this evening I ended up having baked beans and chocolate chips for dinner. Don't worry a) that is not one of the rotating meals, and b) Kelly worked late and got a bite. I was going to make a whole meal, but when Kelly let me know he was working late I had only made the beans, and well I just ended up having some of those. So, please think about Menu Monday, I'm in a bit of need here :)
speaking of baked beans..
interesting fact: the cruise served baked beans on the breakfast buffet. Isn't that strange? The demographic was at least 80% British people...do you think thats the reason?
alsooo.... the entire week was full of awkward stair run-ins. They drive on the left, so they'd always try to go UP on the left, while I was trying to go DOWN on the right (same side). It took me a few days to catch on... uh, uh, sorry...uh, here, I'll move. lol.
I love your idea! I'm getting tired of making the same things and eating leftovers too. Do you like french dips? I have the most fabulous french dip recipe that was passed down to me. It's a real french dip, not a fake roast beef version. I'll try to post it this week. It's one of Rob's favorite meals I make.
Love your idea! Count me in to post! By the way, I have a pretty good groove going with my menu planning- I open 3 tabs on the internet- one is the Cooking Light website where my search always starts, but sometimes heads in a different direction depending on what links look tasty. =) The next tab is my email where I list out the days of the week and then plug in the link to the recipe I'm fixing that night. The 3rd tab is Amazonfresh.com, where I get my groceries, so I just plug in whatever ingredients I need and when I'm all done, I have my groceries on the way to my door the next morning, an email sent to myself with a week full of meals, and lots of new ideas! I also have a binder that I have been building so when we have a new recipe we like, I print it out and add it to the binder. My goal is to get to the point where I have 6 weeks of meals planned out and can just rotate them- seems like a 6 week plan gives plenty of variety. I'm also a fan of making 2 batches of something and having one to pop in the freezer, and the good old crock pot. =)
Linds- you always crack me up! I can totally hear the um, sorry, excuse me... :)
Danica- I would love the recipe, Kelly and I are both huge fans of French Dip! I'll be looking for it on your blog :)
Robin- Can you please write a book, I am loving all of your organization and sahm ideas! I'm looking forward to Menu Monday!!
Count me in! I need all the help I can get.
I'm game too! Looking forward to some yummy new treats. (I warn you my meals are not always sophisticated, but generally pretty yummy)!
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