25 May 2010

Family Room & Kitchen Nook

When uploading the photos I forgot to add this little gem:
It is the before picture of the white rocking chair shown in the family room pictures. I bought this chair off of craigslist and as I was driving away with it, I thought what am I doing... I don't know how to make a cushion cover!?! Thankfully, on my way home from buying it I made a stop at Ikea for some frames, while in Ikea I found a cushion that ended up fitting perfectly! It was less expensive than what I would have paid for new foam alone, so I was thrilled, and it saved me from a few sewing headaches...
But, without further delay, I give you another finished (finally) room. Thank you out of state friends who have been so patient with me: (I took these on a bright day, but they still turned out pretty dark. It really is much more bright and cheery than the pictures show.)
The throw pillows are a combo. 5 of them are down pillows that I looked long and hard for for our first house. I absolutely had to have silk covered down pillows! Well, after a few years I realized I wanted something more live able and durable. So, I took off and donated the well loved pillow covers and found new ones at Target for only $5.00 each! My original plan was to make covers, but thankfully again I was saved from myself. And, the cotton stuffed pillows are from Pier One.
The lamp base is from a garage sale score last summer ($3.00). I removed the 3' tall 1970's shade and found the current one at clearance at a local fav, yes Target. The silver frames on top of the armoire and bookshelf are another combo. They are from my Macy's wedding registry and also from a friend who had matching ones that she was giving away. The bookshelf is filled with books, 2 teacups, Kelly's video game console, and baskets of diapers. I really wanted color, texture, and a 'homey' feel in the room. The lime green blanket was the first thing I bought for the room, then came the prints/paper. With the center Etsy print arriving just recently.
The couches are from Costco. They are exactly what I said I didn't want. Overstuffed reclining couches that are new yet appear to be circa 1982. However, I sat on them and for a while jokingly referred to them as the "butter couches," because you really do just melt into them. I was sold, Kelly was stoked, and I'm very happy we went with comfort over silhouette. I'm sure at a higher price point you can achieve both, but we are pleased with our compromise :)
The DL on the rug situation... I originally bought a rug from TJ Maxx that I was super excited about. But, after living with it for a bit, we realized it just wasn't big enough for the space. It really wasn't anchoring down the room. On a whim we put it in the kitchen nook and loved it. About the same time we found this rug, and it is basically the colors in reverse. So, it worked out really well and I am happy that we ended up with a darker color in the family room, I think it will wear better over time. Not being a designer at all, and always looking for a bargain, it is kind of my favorite thing just watching pieces fall into place. Having somewhat of a game plan, but going with the flow.

We (Kelly) painted a chalkboard on our kitchen peninsula. It is still currently being 'treated.' The can of paint recommended two treatments (basically rubbing the entire surface with chalk) prior to use. We still only have one stool (a $2.00 garage sale find), but I am thinking down the road I would like to acquire 3 or so of these.
These are my herb pots, they have sat on this window sill for months patiently waiting to be planted. Although still very empty, I enjoy how they look :)

Now that the pictures have been posted, I will begin to bring in the pack n play and the swing. I'm sure things will be looking very different very soon!

1 comment:

Our growing family said...

WOWWWWWWW!! This looks all so wonderful! I love it! =) It is all coming together so nicely!
Great job on the rocking chair...you'll probably be using that a lot! =) I love the red rug-very cool!
Lots of projects to check off your list!! I bet it feels wonderful to get it all done before the babe comes!
Great job!! =)(especially on the good deals!)