January did not only bring in the New Year, but also a new dodgeball champion. The biggest surprise of the tournament came when the 6 time champions Kirkland Signature got knocked out early in the third round. Arriving just in time, the Purple Cobras fought intense matches in order to land them a spot in our finals. The Burros, who flirted with the title the last two tournaments also secured a spot in the finals against the Purple Cobras after defeating the strong, Team No Name who were making their first appearance. Coming out of the losers bracket, The Burros had to defeat the Purple Cobras in two, seven match sets; however, that obstacle was not enough to hold The Burros back from their first championship. In true comeback form, The Burros blazed through both sets and took home the gold.Congratulations to our top three teams and a big thank you to every team who arrived to compete. Sign up for next month's tournament, taking place February 4th, to test your skills, and to see which team will reign supreme.
Then, last weekend Kelly played in a charity basketball game. I had already planned on attending a Women of Faith conference at our church, so Georgie girl and I were not able to cheer Kelly on. Thankfully, my in-laws recorded the game. We have a dvd of Kelly playing, I think it definitely takes him back to high school days. Fun times :) I apologize if it sounds braggy, but Kelly also got Defensive Player of the Game! Of course I was proud of him, but I was mostly excited about the gift card for a free massage he won!! When I talked to him after the game he said "I won you another free massage." Since being in a yucky car accident a couple of years ago, Kelly doesn't let anyone touch his back, I however have no objection to a masseur. Relaxation here I come! The picture below is courtesy of the press:
As for the Women of Faith Conference, I so wish I would have remembered to take pictures. I had such a great time, and it was so encouraging. I had to laugh at myself, when I read about the conference speakers in my church bulletin I thought wow, we are really bringing in a lot of well known women... I was shocked at who we had coming. Ha! It all clicked when I arrived last Friday and saw the huge projector screen ready to show the dvds from a live conference. Oh my word, that made a lot more sense. The women's conferences are held around the country in gigantic stadiums, our conference was around 115 women. We sat at beautifully decorated tables, ate yummy food, enjoyed worship lead by women in our church and just soaked up the time together.
I must admit, I was super anxious about going. It was Friday evening and Saturday from 8 am-12:30pm. It felt like such a long time to be away from Georgiana! On the way there, I called my Grandma and asked her to please pray for peace for me, just talking to my Grandma set my heart at ease. I got there and was feeling pretty good, then as it got to be around Georgie's bedtime I started feeling really uneasy. We had just finished singing and one of the ladies was praying that we would be able to focus on the speaker and the message she was giving and have peace... at that moment I felt a little buzz in my pocket. My phone was on vibrate and I pulled it out, hoping it was Kelly. It was, he sent me a message letting me know Georgie was 'being a rockstar,' she was bathed, fed, burped, rocked and sound asleep in her crib. The text could not have come at a more perfect time, thank you Lord!
"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3
Geogiana thoroughly enjoyed her time without me. She gets so giggly for Kelly and plays hard, which thankfully usually translates into sleeping well too! Then, on Saturday, Kelly took her to my Aunt Michelle and Uncle Roger's house. My cousins Ashley and Makenzie were both home from college, so Georgie had all four of their attention! When I arrived after the conference, she was fast asleep on my aunt and woke up as one happy little entertainer. She had hardly opened her eyes all the way when she started waving and kicking her little legs. Love that girl.
1 comment:
I was Smith #24 for basketball all through high school! Neat. I want to see you guys sooooooon! Love you!
Mikki Bell
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