This is a busy busy work week for Kelly, which equals me keeping it very easy in the kitchen. Because, speaking of busy...

Georgie girl is one very busy bee these days (doing the traditional crawl now too)! She loves to watch the older kids play outside. I joke that we are the neighborhood stalkers. I know a lot that goes on in the neighborhood, even when we get a new garbage man. Poor new guy, I didn't think he would make the cut. His first week he was so SLOW and got left behind a couple of times, which made him run after the truck waving his arms. You can imagine it was a big day at our house. After a couple of weeks, he's lost a few pounds and doesn't appear to be stopping the entire truck for as frequent of water breaks.

We've put away the swing, her bouncy chair, and now the jumperoo. Next up is the exersaucer, but I'm hoping I have a couple more weeks left of convincing her she is having fun in one spot. Many friends have asked me what I was going to do about my low shelves filled with breakable dishes, or my gigantic floor vases? I just said, "I'll cross that bridge when I get there." Well, the bridge is here. Lots of rearranging going on. Including bookshelves. Georgiana loves to remove every single book she can reach from the shelves. Kelly saw the results of her hard work on the landing. He asked, "Did Georgie do that!?!"
No Kelly, it was me :)
Other news. Georgiana HATES diaper changes. I mean detests like I cannot believe. She does better when we are anywhere but at home, but at home she screams and sometimes gets worked up to the silent cry. It is awful, and sad, and I am sure like everything just a phase. But, it is still hard.
Now, on to the Easy meal plan for this week:
Monday: Salmon, Asparagus, Rice Pilaf (boxed)
Tuesday: Black Bean & Avocado Quesadillas
Wednesday: Spaghetti & Salad
Thursday: Albacore Tuna Melts & Sweet Potato Fries
Friday: ?
Saturday: Our 7th Wedding Anniversary = not cooking :)
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