Hello Blogworld!
Sorry I've been gone so long, we have been busy busy bees. Doing well, just busy. I've had about a dozen posts going thru my mind, but not much time to type them up. Tonight I finally have some free time, so I thought I would get started...
Our anniversary also happened to be the Annual Ladies Tea at our church, where for the third year in a row, I forgot to snap a single picture!
While I filled up on tea sandwiches and fellowship, Kelly and Georgiana had a play date with our friend Brian and his boys.
After the tea, we headed to Seattle for the Maritime Festival. We planned on snapping a family picture or two, but the camera battery died before we had the opportunity. Nonetheless, we got these...
Here's how it worked. You pay only $5.00 per person for a "passport" that you take to up to 9 different participating restaurants on the pier. Almost every restaurant gave us nearly a cup size portion, crackers, sourdough bread, you name it! Our top choice was Ivar's. 2nd was Anthony's. 3rd for me was The Crab Pot, it had a little kick to it. Some of the other's were just okay, too runny, a couple had sand in them (gross!), but we made it to 8 of the 9 restaurants and had a blast eating our way along the waterfront.
Although we had a great time, I felt a bit foolish come 2am Sunday morning. You see, I'm not much of a dairy eater. I don't eat too much ice cream, I drink Rice milk... So what in the world was I thinking eating buckets full of chowder!?!?! By sunrise on Sunday morning my stomach was in full rebellion and although I would still do it again, I would use a little thing called self-control and pace myself. A bite here a bite there. You get the idea.
In addition to eating our body weight in chowder,
we've had wonderful house guests (Kelly's cousin Mikki and her husband Jonny) come and go, I started and completed the Hunger Games trilogy. I bought the first two books while I was pregnant, but I just never found the time to open them up. Well, be careful if you do, you may find yourself so addicted that you are reading battle sequences aloud to your almost one year old in a sing song voice... Oh dear.
I totally recommend the books, I'll refrain from going into any detail about them so I don't give anything away. All I will say is, team Peeta.
I've also been to the dentist, boo. Yes, boo. I really never understood why people disliked the dentist. What's not to like about getting your teeth all cleaned up twice a year? Nothing, nothing is not to like about that. However, if you skip out on your appointments for over 2 years and get cavities and have to go back to the dentist for fillings, multiple appointments of drilling and drooling because the 3 out of 4 quadrants that need to be worked on can only be worked on one at a time. Well, there's lots to not like about that. I miss my healthy teeth. I wanted to cry when I was told I had cavities and then I wanted to cry when I was getting my teeth worked on. I vow to never make fun of the sedation dentistry commercials again. Even if they have a super creepy sounding androgynous voice over person.
I was told that while you are pregnant and the first 2 years of having a baby, you are a bazillion (I forgot what the real statistic is) times more likely to get cavities. I really don't mind if my dentist was just telling me that, it made me feel a teentsy bit better.
Okay friends, I'm sure I've rambled enough for tonight. I'm off to make a big ol' shopping list for fun birthday party supplies for Miss Georgiana Lee. In addition to our outings, she is keeping us so busy at home, the words non-stop are truly not an exaggeration. I'll be back soon with more pictures from our latest adventures!
you finished!! ...???
i love your posts!!! they always make me smile!
i'm in the "babies gave me cavities" club too-I also wanted to cry! this is the reason i was so giddy about my new spa dentistry back in dec!!! i get to go again in a couple of weeks!!! IS THAT SAD HOW EXCITED I AM? haha!!!
i love you in all your food passionate toothless self!! =)!!!!!
(i hope that come out in the most positive way!)
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