10 July 2009

C'est La Vie

*** I think it is safe to re-post this***
I haven't heard anything and am semi-safely assuming I will not be playing Leah.
Thank you to everyone for your enthusiastic support, encouragement, and prayers. Even just yesterday I was contacted by total strangers from around the country letting me know they were rooting for me!
This journey has definitely been a combined effort of amazing friends, family and fellow Twilight fans. Before this, I never recgonized just how great of a community I am surrounded with. I feel blessed and humbled. Each note, call, text, email and every other effort was appreciated.
As for "How do I feel..." or
Am I...
Disappointed? Oh yeah.
Surprised? Not terribly.
Relieved? You betcha.
Okay? Absolutely.
I truly believe that ALL things happen for a reason. Now, I may never know the reason, but I trust that God does, and that He has a plan for me.
So, I won't have any "insider" info regarding who is cast. If you have become curious, I would recommend checking http://www.twilightlexicon.com/, they are consistently reliable. I would guess that the public announcement/info will not be available until closer to filming. Personally, I am taking a much needed mental Twilight Saga vacation. I just need a bit of breathing room from the series, so that come November I am re-amped for the release of New Moon!
Lastly, I really do hope you will dare to dream. Regardless of the outcome, it is worth it.
Thanks again,
Nicole :)


Anonymous said...

Keep daring to dream, it is not over for you. This journey is just beginning.
Love you,

Stefanie said...

boo! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I had my fingers crossed for ya.

Our growing family said...

love ya!

e said...

jeremiah 29:11.
elizabeth barrett browning: "god's plans put man's best dreams to shame."


i know he knows what's best. i'm disappointed too. but my belief in you hasn't wavered at all. it's definitely not because you weren't good enough.

Me... said...

I'll second that Erin, good words!
love you dear talented friend of mine!