01 September 2009

Garage Saling...

A couple of weeks ago Kelly and I were at Ikea just browsing around when I saw the candle holder below, and thought hmm... I kind of like that. I also thought hmm... I am a bit too cheap to spend $8.00 (x 3 or so) on shiny metal candle holders...
I'm glad I made that decision because the very next day we headed out Garage Saling and I found this little ditty for $1.00:
It looked pretty dingy, but after less than 5 minutes of work it now looks like this: I've seen quite a few silver pieces on our garage saling adventures, the successful transformation of this gem sealed the deal, and I plan on picking up a few more!


Anonymous said...

Looks great! What did you use to get it so shiny?

Nicole said...

Thanks :) I just used silver polish.

Our growing family said...

Looks great!!! I love it!
I'm sure it will go perfectly in your new home too! =) Although, I think it could look great anywhere!

Stefanie said...

looks fantastic!

Robin said...

Impressive! Can't wait to see it in it's place in your new home!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Sometimes it pays to wait...what a deal you got!
