17 April 2010

Oh Pottery Barn...

I was just wandering around on the Pottery Barn website and came across the picture below. Doesn't it just make you smile? It made me. Oh how I love white & glass dishes, Martha Stewart Living, the idea of sparkling water (I prefer my tap to brita), baskets, oh and the stacked glasses with the tray between the two layers... brilliant!
Oh, and these:

And, they're even on sale. Must have self control...


Sarah Anne said...

Oh my goodness... I cannot resist Pottery Barn. I try to break away and be more funky, but I keep going back for more. It's bad.

Stefanie said...

I love Pottery Barn!

K. Amburgey said...

you must must must have self control!!

tiffany jeanne said...

this made me smile too. Mostly because I can't imagine having such a fabulous kitchen with 2 toddlers running around! Jackson would be on the top of those shelves in no time, and avery would have them all rearranged!