14 April 2010

It has been a busy week, and I have two Party Posts brewing (Kelly's Poker Party & My sister's Baby Shower), but I want to post pictures and do them justice. So, for now I will just quickly check in with a random post because these pictures were already uploaded and ready to go...
The Inspiration Picture:
My sister and I swapped Zunes for the Armoire. Well, I should say Zune singular. One of the Zune boxes I gave her was empty. I am assuming the Zune is hiding out with my camera battery charger somewhere. But nonetheless, she swapped us the following:

Kelly used some light blue paint we had leftover from our living room/dining room, and I made a quick trip the Home Depot for new hardware. For under $15.00 we now have the following:
So, that's just a peak at one of the projects we have been up to. I'll be back with more pics and posts soon!


Our growing family said...

nice!!! I'll have to see it in person one day! It looks like it fits there perfectly! Can you take a picture of that whole area so we can see how it looks?
Hope you are feeling well!
Not too much longer before you get to meet that little lady!!!

Me... said...

I like it, hopefully i'll get to see it in May :)

Can't wait fot the party posts :)

Stefanie said...

love it!!!

K. Amburgey said...

now that you got that under your belt...time to tackle the kitchen :)