01 June 2010

Due Date...

Baby Girl really needs to come, I mean really really needs to come. Kelly has been very protective of her throughout the whole 40 weeks, and I of course would rather him on this end of the spectrum than the other, but I really want him to just be able to hold her and see how durable she is and see how when I yawn loudly she is not frightened or disturbed. Yes, this morning I yawned and Kelly's eyes got huge and he said something to the likes of "Woah, you are going to scare Georgiana..." I looked at him like are you kidding me, he of course was not. He told me I sounded like Tarzan (complete with a demonstration that somehow did not scare her) and that my yawn may have startled her. I only blame myself, one of the books I had Kelly read did talk about loud noises disturbing babies in the womb, but I don't think it meant yawns!
He was also educated on the risks of pregnant women gardening. Last night we had come to a nice agreement that I would wear one of my painting masks while planting some flowers, but surprise surprise... We were out of masks! Probably because, per his request, I have been wearing masks even while he paints (in another room) with VOC free paint! So, rather than make a quick Home Depot run, Kelly came up with the following solution. He was quite pleased with himself:

And he, along with our neighbors, were quite entertained...
Nothing makes a giant 40 week pregnant lady feel cuter than a running shirt over her head and tied around her neck!
Switching gears a bit. Prior to the glamorous gardening of last night, my in laws brought over something very very special. My father in law made Georgiana a cradle. It is absolutely beautiful and made me shed a few tears. My mother in law picked out the cutest ruffled pink bedding and organic cotton sheets! It really felt like the final touch in preparing for Baby Girl's arrival, the cradle will be right next to my side of the bed and I absolutely cannot wait to look over and see her sleeping in it!
Friday night Kelly and I went to our friend Jeffrey's wedding. We had a great time, and it was kind of fun not really knowing anyone there. We people watched, ate our catered Chipotle dinner and had a fun time laughing at how "preppy" we looked. I don't know if the word preppy is even really used anymore, but that is how Kelly described us compared to all of the skinny jeans and vests around us. The wedding party looked so sharp, the guys did where black skinny jeans, charcoal grey cardigans, and black ties, and the bride... oh my word, I wish I would have brought my camera. Her dress was all overlayed with lace and had the most beautiful tiered train. For the reception she changed into a knee length dress that was equally as beautiful, I loved it!
This is the dress I wore to my first shower, long dresses have been a staple in my limited prego wardrobe. I so love how they kind of just grow/stretch with me. And, as you can see, I have definitely been doing some growing. I have been trying to explain to Baby Girl that she is all cooked and there is no need for her and mommy to continue to get bigger together, but I fear she has not really caught on.
Other than growing and gardening, I have been doing my best attempt at sewing. It is already so much fun to have a little girl, anything and everything can be embellished, including burp cloths!
So, unless she is born within the next 7 hours, it seems that 06.01.2010 will not be her birthday. Last week, I was having a couple of pre labor symptoms, so Kelly and I were convinced she was coming early! Well, obviously that didn't happen. As of today, I am not having any pre labor symptoms, but I am doing everything I can... Sunday evening we went for a 4.5 mile walk, with lots of hills, I was convinced I was going to walk her out! And, nothing. Then, this morning my massage therapist worked on pressing labor inducing pressure points throughout my feet and lower legs. He has a 50% success rate, with most women going into labor 3 hours or so after getting pressed. My appointment ended 6 hours ago... But, by not going into labor I was able to go to my appointment to get the car seat checked. Our local fire department has a car seat inspector certified by Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. She said she had never seen such a secure seat, Kelly will be thrilled to hear that, she said this while literally breaking into a sweat trying to de-latch it. Unfortunately, although securely fastened, the car seat still had to be reinstalled because we would not pass the "test" without removing our car seat protector.
This weekend I told my grandma that I am praying every single day that Baby Girl will come that day, I figure one day it will be true. For now, I will try my very hardest to be patient and enjoy her little kicks inside my belly. And, I will try very hard not to have any more completely irrational moments where I panic and tell Kelly that I am convinced she is stuck and does not know how to get out! I know it sounds ridiculous, but the other night it felt like a genuine concern!


Stefanie said...

praying for you today!!! We are soooo excited for you and Kelly to see sweet G! I love that Kelly has been so protective, it cracks me up!! Your pictures as hilarious!

tiffany jeanne said...

Thinking of you lots in the coming hours or days...whichever it is! You are such a good mama already :) And, it looks in the pictures like she is riding in your belly very low so hopefully soon!


Robin said...

Thinking of you constantly Nicole! LOVE your gardening pictures- I can't help but think that our husbands will be much more relaxed the second time around. =) Our car seat inspector also took out the protector (we have the same one) but I put it back in because I remember from nannying that the car seat base easily destroys leather interiors. Although it was hard to wait, I was actually glad Brynn was late because she had no breathing/nursing problems, like some early babies have and I was SOOOOOOOO glad to see her finally! =) So excited for you- you are so beautiful at 40 weeks pregnant- keep busy and enjoy your last moments with Kelly all to yourself!

Our growing family said...

You look amazing!!! Loved the gardening and yawning comments-kelly is so funny!=)!!!
That cradle is amazing...I can't believe he made it!
Glad to see that you are keeping busy too...it will help the time to fly! =)
Praying for you!!! She'll be here soon!!! =)

christy said...

I am praying for you girl! I hope these last days go by SO fast for you. You look great by the way!

Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

I can really relate to the worried husband...but don't think it just goes away. I wish I could count the number of times Josiah has told me to "be gentle" while I'm scrubbing Silas, burping him, even just holding him! At least you don't have to worry that he's going to be too rough. Praying your delivery is fast and easy!