Kelly, Georgiana and I have been taking quite a few family walks. She sports her gangsta sweatsuit while we roll thru the hood. Kelly refers to her little fists as "fists of fury!"
(don't worry, we fixed her seatbelt before we got moving)
And, are you in love with my socks and flip flops :) Oh yeah, I was looking pretty snazzy!
Little side note, we got our campfire pit for free! Kelly and I had just been talking about buying one, but we really didn't want to spend $100 or so, so we held off.
The very next day after deciding not to buy one, we were driving out of our neighborhood and voila, an almost brand new fire pit with a beautiful "free" sign on it! We were on our way to my sister's party, so Kelly wasn't sure if I wanted to stop or not, thankfully we were actually on time if not early, so I quickly yelled "yes, stop, it is a blessing from the Lord!" It seriously was like mana just sitting out there waiting to be enjoyed. The owner was working out in his yard and informed Kelly he bought it last summer, used it once, and decided to do a built in fire pit this year. Thank you impulse buyer neighbor, you are the best!
Other bits...
I am addicted to Legendary Doughnuts. Pregnancy it was Taco Time, post prego it is doughnuts. Because of this problem, I am becoming a pro at recommendations. Try the Banana Split. It is consistently superb. Yep, consistently means I've sampled it on more than one occasion. Wonder why my pants are still so tight...
Mac & Cheese...
Have you seen the Kraft Mac & Cheese (homestyle) commercial?
Click here.
The little girl totally caught my attention, I had to rewind it and show Kelly. Perhaps she is already working like crazy and I've just never noticed. But, if not, I would say watch out for this little one, she is super talented. Keeping her face so still and then that little eyebrow nod. Man, she's good.
Anyone have a eyebrow waxing recommendation? I would rather have a boring non blogworthy appointment than have an oh my word my eyebrows are gone, but at least I can blog about it moment.
Lastly lastly...
Oh how I wish I had pictures! My sister and her three little ones had a two night sleepover at my house. There were many adorable moments, but one that took the cake was when Hana and Georgiana were laying next to each other kind of propped up on a pillow. Little Hana discovered Georgiana's head and thought it looked pretty tasty. Hana started sucking like crazy! Georgie wasn't too sure how she felt about it, but she wasn't upset. When I picked her up, poor Hana was making faces because of the hair in her mouth and the entire side of Georgie's head was soaked! Oh how I love them!
ADORABLE!!!!! And I love the new firepit!!
Love these :) She has the sweetest smile!
I've been meaning to ask you how you knew Carly, we went to HS together!
that girl is good, indeed! I just watched it...twice. i'm going to try and talk cool like her from now on. =) thinking of you as you go back to work in a few days!
Georgie is soo cute! She looks a lot like you too :)
campfire! stat!
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