Thanks again!!
And, another request... please pray that Georgiana's acid reflux will heal up/end/not hurt her anymore! Poor little baby girl, between the heat and her spit up and crying through feedings, we thought it best to forgo many of our busy weekend plans and just stay local and focus on keeping her hydrated. So far so good, I never thought I would be so excited over wet diapers! We celebrate each one, and thankfully there have been many :) But, it is so hard to watch her be hungry and yet in pain trying to eat, rips my heart out. Especially, when little miss smiley calms down and instantly shows me her big grin. Despite her discomfort she is a joyful little one, and I thank the Lord for that!
she leaves me speechless too! I love her. Is she really waving?
O man I love her smile! what a cute little thing she is.
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