11 May 2010

Bible Study Girls!

I'd like you to meet a super fun, talented, creative, godly, encouraging and joyful group of girls. In emails we refer to our get togethers as BS, that along with our BS (short for Bible Study :) meetings started almost 1.5 years ago. Our studies may not always be completed on time, we may take months to go through a book, and our conversations may be filled with a rabbit trail (or marathon) or two, but none of those things have taken away from the huge impact the studies and fellowship have had on all of our lives.

The picture above was taken at the baby shower they gave me, Robin snapped the photo and was creator of the above game. We had to drink 4 oz of juice out of a bottle. Even though my cheeks were sore, it was so much fun and it taught me a very valuable lesson. Be extremely patient with Baby Girl when she is learning how to drink from a bottle. This is no easy task!
Below, diaper invites made by Anne:
The ladies, and links to their blogs... Anne, our gracious hostess of the evening, playing another game that sounds much easier than it is:
Our fearless leader, Christy:
Tiffany, I believe she was the champion of this game:

Leslie, she is currently not a blogger. I say currently because we are all actively encouraging her otherwise :)

Stefanie, she put this game together, and it provided quite a few laughs!
And Robin, oh man, Robin's laughter is 100% contagious. She is always cracking us up! Most of her cotton balls were flung behind her head, a creative but unfortunately not very affective approach:

Sometimes life gets a little messy:
Tiffany made the tastiest chocolate silk pie! Seriously, it was so good:
Robin and her beautiful baby Brynn:
Another recipe (along with the pie) that I need to ask for... Artichoke dip:
Panini's made to order!
And, a candy favor bar. The next few days at work, I thoroughly enjoyed my treat bag!
Another pie picture, I was so impressed, feel free to laugh, but I didn't think it was homemade because of the chocolate shavings. Apparently I really need to beef up my culinary skills, it never crossed my mind that I too could shave up some chocolate!
I've shown you how fun and creative they all are, but I also mentioned talented. And, I wasn't just a kiddin...
Anne made these adorable onesies:
And, this diaper/wipes holder and little mommy essentials bag that will fit perfectly in the diaper bag:
Christy made this super soft oversized swaddle blanket, which I hear is an absolute must have, so I am really looking forward to using it. And, a pacifier clip, too cute!
And Leslie made two precious onesies...
I'll let you know when the BS Etsy shop is open for business :)
Thank you so much ladies! I am genuinely blessed to have you each in my life, and so is Miss Baby Girl Smith!


Our growing family said...

AWESOME!!! What a sweet group of gals!! Love all the homemade stuff too!!

tiffany jeanne said...

That was such a fun evening! I'm so excited for you and Kelly. I can't wait to hear about that moment when you first meet your baby girl...it's my favorite story from anyone who has become a mother. :) Also, enjoy these last few weeks with just your hubby. Life is about to change...but only for the better!


christy said...

You are such a blessing to me Nicole! I had such a great time with you last night catching up and watching Beth in her ultra-cheesiness.

I cannot wait for you to become a mama. Your baby girl will be very blessed to have you and Kelly as parents!

Robin said...

What a FUN night! How I miss you girls already! I'm so excited for you to become a mama, Nicole! You will be amazing and I can't wait to hear about how labor goes and your first days as sit in awe of your precious little miracle!

Stefanie said...

I am sooo beyond excited for you and Kelly, Nicole! Thanks for the post about our study!! Loved the pictures!