Georgie loves to play!
It cracks us up because her tiny feet don't even touch the bottom yet. She looks so little in her big exersaucer, but she smiles and kicks her feet with excitement.

She is drooling a lot these days, and starting to get chubbier, I mean more kissable :) cheeks!

She doesn't last too long. Playing is tiring business!

It's naptime, which equals time for me to run around the house and try to get some housework done. Off I go...
So cute! I love her hair.
I hope you were able to get some hous things done!
What a cutie pie! I cannot believe how big she's getting!!
Such a little sweetie! Isn't it fun to watch her play and discover new things? =) ps- thought you'd like to know that the secret word I had to enter to leave a comment this time was "conybut". hehe.
Vera has that same butterfly onesie. I love it! Georgiana is adorable. : )
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