11 August 2015

Third Times a Charm

Well hello again blog, believe it or not, I really have missed you! I still (almost daily) have posts going through my head, mostly because I want to journal and savor memories. I love looking back and reading about my tiny ones, our adventures, things I would have otherwise forgot. Over the course of yet another LONG blog break I've been told a variety of things. When I mentioned to some friends that I felt like I couldn't blog because I was SOOOO behind, what kind of blogger goes on vacations, moves, has recitals and graduations, holidays you name it and doesn't blog about them!?! It was at that moment that I was reminded by a friend that, "no one is waiting on your posts..." She meant it kind and a matter of fact. And, that is so true, and yet not at all what I meant about feeling behind. Selfishly, the reason the blog world is still my most favorite type of social media (recently I discovered my second fav, Instagram, if you are wondering where the bloggers are hiding, I found most of them, just check Instagram, I am @anothernicolesmith), is simply that it is not about what other people say, it's simply my scrapbook. I feel bad that little Levi's life isn't as documented as Georgiana's, I am extremely behind on baby books, but with Georgiana I know I can find all I need on this here blog.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the social aspect of it, if you find yourself wandering here on the world wide web, please do leave me a comment. It's fun and interactive and not to overuse the word, simple.
Sometimes I think I would have thrived in an earlier time, not too early I am quite a fan of my dishwasher, but maybe just a time when to see pictures of a friend's vacation you got to go to her house and look through her photo album hear her narration, when friend's moved out of state you wrote a letter, when a baby was born you received an announcement, or got a sneak peek from a proud Grandma carrying her envelope of freshly developed pictures around in her purse. But yet, here I am, a stay at home mama in 2015. A day in which I am often so distracted by trying to "capture the memory" on my phone that sometimes I miss making the memory.
So, I'm not sure what the theme of this post is, but that's the beauty of the blog, it's not so much about the likes and flash, sure for some it could be, but for me it's about the journey, about being able to look back on my own little pioneered spot of the web and preserve a memory, a feeling, a thought and of course a picture.
So I leave you with this, my view as I blogged tonight.
Kelly and the kiddos hunting for zebra, obviously :)


Jessica said...

Can I say I disagree without being rude? Somebody IS waiting on your posts-- ME! =) Also, I know what you mean about missing a memory, but also remember this: the only picture you will regret is the one you didn't take! =) I LOVE the zebra hunting picture!

Jessica said...

Also, I think I have gotten so caught up in the digital world that I have forgotten to make baby books completely! AAAH! :(

Anonymous said...

I pop on occasionally to see what's new with you!!!! So keep blogging!!